Faith and Doubt

The Rev. Iain Gow

3 July 2015



Lord, when my season is joy, let me celebrate
and be thankful;
When my season is pain, let me discover
you healing me;
When my season is doubt, let me know
the seedling of faith stir again;
When my season is loneliness,
bring a friend to me;
When my season is full of loathing,
take my bitterness away;
When my season is loss, show me you
have not forgotten me.
Help me Lord, to discover you in all seasons
of my life.


Bless you Lord, who is in our summers, falls,
winters, and springs.
And may the blessing of God, Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, be upon us
And all whom we love, now and always.

© (from Be Still, Iain Gow and Nat Tate)